The film playfully derides the conventions that Disney usually roots these stories in, and finds clever ways to avoid them entirely, surpassing our expectations. One of Disney's best entries since Pixar started to dominate the animated landscape, "Frozen" is gorgeously animated escapism and top shelf eye candy, grounded by two very different, very likable protagonists in sisters Anna and Elsa and an eclectic group of memorable supporting characters. Overall, I went into the theater looking to hate this film, but I could find very little reason to. If not for the clout of U2's song, I'd say "Let It Go" is a lock for Best Song, and the film is the clear front-runner for Best Animated Feature. I found the Snowman's appearance unnecessary and distracting from the plot, but everything else the relationship of Anna and Elsa, Anna's attempt at a storybook love affair, Anna's adventures with the dashing Hans is compelling and fun. A true fairy tale that i would say could very well be The Little Mermaid or The Beauty and The Beast of this generation. Link your DIRECTV account to Movies Anywhere to enjoy your digital collection in one place. The sound, the texture, the harmony, the melody is in a class of its own. 2013 102 min PG Kids & Family, Fantasy, Animation, Comedy, Musical, Action/Adventure, Kids Feature Film 4K. This is an affecting human story, one that is significant.

A true triumph in story telling that proves exactly what Disney does best and again proving that they are back to producing top quality films. The comedy hits right on the mark and the action packed adventure and thrilling journey make this a tale with a little bit of everything in the exact right amounts. It is unpretentious in what it is trying to portray. It is a moving story that has family at its center. Very Good Disney Movie! The story is heart melting, filled with the pure feeling and heart that has become a staple with the best Disney movies. Disney still has a way to go in racial equality, and it may be said that Elsa is unduly sexualized, but this film is undoubtedly a step in the right direction. Gender equality and powerless female characters abound in Disney's oeuvre, but Frozen marks a departure from their normal cliches, and the result is an inoffensive and entertaining film.

in a beautiful animated musical that just about everyone should enjoy.Ī queen and her sister are estranged by the former's power to shoot ice out her hands.It is as though Disney listened to all the complaints I and others like me have been leveling against it since its inception.